In 1950, two companies, Toshiba (Tokyo-Shibaura-Engineering) and IHI (Ishikawajima Harima Industries), joined forces to create IHI Shibaura. Originally it focused on the production of both light and heavy duty engine . It was not until 1961 that a modern tractor factory was completed, where both two-wheel and four-wheel drive tractors up to 40 hp were manufactured. However, it was not until 1978 that production of the first series of tractors with a power of more than 50 hp started. Shibaura is known for the following 4-cylinder diesel engine : N843, N844, N844T and N844L. These engine are mainly installed in compact tractors, mowing machines and other off-road vehicles. Shibaura has also produced a number of 3-cylinder engine such as the J843 and the LE892. Just like the 4-cylinder engine , these provide enough horsepower to get the job done.